Short-Term Project Safety and Reliability on Time and on Budget

Written by DEKRA | Feb 5, 2021 9:13:05 PM

Traditional safety programs are designed for the long haul. They build safety into the organizational culture in layers over time. But for short-term projects like turnarounds, shutdowns, and on construction sites, the traditional approach isn’t fast enough. In the time it takes traditional programs to make gains in the culture and reorient the organization around exposure control and safe work practices, the short-term project has typically run its course. Moreover, because of their harried pace, high-risk jobs, and disparate groups of contractors, short-term projects can face more exposures than steady-state operations do in years.

Given all that’s stacked against them, how can leaders assure construction site safety and reduce accidents on short-term projects in a limited timeframe?

In our white paper 7 Steps to Creating Behavioral Reliability in the Short-Term Project Environment, we tackle this important issue and show that dynamic projects with multiple contractors and a compressed schedule aren’t barriers to world-class safety. We cover:

  • A targeted—and cost-effective—approach for eliminating exposures specific to construction, maintenance, and turnarounds
  • Quick wins supervisors and managers can leverage to improve the safety climate
  • Streamlined data collection dynamically manage performance on a day-to-day basis
  • Tips to make your behavior-based safety efforts more efficient and powerful at the same time

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