Fresh Eyes Can Make the Difference

Written by DEKRA | Jan 20, 2021 7:33:58 PM

At home, at school, in the workplace, it’s human nature to follow a routine. We find a pattern in the things we do and the things we see every day. Therefore, it’s important to rely on the help of an outside source to periodically inspect your facility for safety hazards.

When it comes to third-party auditing and inspections, having an outside source invade your space and tell you what you’re doing wrong can seem like a negative and intimidating experience. However, when done with the right intentions, the process itself can be a powerful opportunity to learn and grow in continuous improvement of your workplace safety programs.

Hiring an outside source brings several positive aspects to a safety program that will help you learn and grow. Number one, it’s going to help you visually identify hazards or variances that often go overlooked due to familiarity with the surroundings and cognitive bias. A hazard that is passed by unknowingly every day will remain there until it causes an incident or injury. Secondly, it allows a focused search for things that may not be easily identifiable.

Often times the safety personnel of an organization wears several hats and may not have the time to devote that hazard identification truly deserves. By using an outside source, you’re getting a skilled professional, trained to identify hazards and variances, who can dedicate the proper amount of time to making sure your facility is safe for you and your employees.

Finally, a true professional source will make sure, both an initial and exit meeting is scheduled with the safety and management teams. This is to identify the scope of the inspection and for follow up after completion. THIS IS KEY to the process. It allows opportunity to talk through identified hazards, time to ask questions and ensure there is a plan in place for follow up and improvement moving forward.